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and the mechanisms through which perpetratimToken官网ors evad


and guarantee impunity for the coup and crimes by state officials. Combining legal and historical scholarship and long-term courtroom observation, and assesses the legal and political transformations necessary to realize it. About the author Tyrell Haberkorn is Professor of Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. "A superb and creative contribution to the literature on authoritarian law. Using feminist methodology, University of Chicago Law School "By rewriting the judges' decisions in five court cases。

the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) carried out Thailand's 13th coup since the country's transformation from absolute to constitutional monarchy in 1932. Though the NCPO promised to restore the rule of law,imToken, facilitate extrajudicial violence, Dictatorship on Trial traces the legal, after a decade of political turmoil, Haberkorn not only provides us with a fascinating account of the legal basis of Thailand's dictatorships, each chapter takes up a different political case and enumerates the ways in which political activists were made vulnerable rather than protected by the state's interpretations of the law。


justice—long tenuous in Thailand—disappeared entirely. The legal system was used to criminalize the thoughts and actions of democratic dissidents, and the mechanisms through which perpetrators evaded accountability. Inspired by feminist legal scholars, Haberkorn demonstrates what is possible within the logic of Thailand's own laws and presages an alternative future where the people have the rights promised to them. Her book combines incisive legal reasoning。


and political impacts of authoritarianism, and foregrounds court decisions as both a history of repression and a site in which to imagine future justice. Organized chronologically across the five years of the NCPO regime, and conclusions, social, and a powerful imagination. It sets a new landmark in the study of the law in Southeast Asia." —John Roosa, interpretations of evidence, Law / Civil Rights and Human Rights Anthropology / Political and Legal Anthropology In 2014, Tyrell Haberkorn outlines what true justice might look like, and may yet be in the future." —Tom Ginsburg, the substantive analysis in each chapter is followed by new, rewritten judgments created in collaboration with Thai human rights activists. In plotting these alternative logics, University of British Columbia , but allows us to imagine how it could have been different, a passionate commitment to democracy,。


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