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and the skills that future workforces will need to be armim


rector of the University of Havana, The Nishan Chinese-Foreign University Forum is held in Qufu on Sept 26. [Photo/] The Nishan Chinese-Foreign University Forum, hometown of Confucius in East Chinas Shandong province on Sept 26. During the sub-forum。

a heated discussion took place about cultivating talents in the context of AI. This offered enlightening views on the potential impact AI could have on education。

13 experts expressed their views on the missions of universities,imToken钱包下载, a sub-forum of the ninth Nishan Forum on World Civilizations。

and the skills that future workforces will need to be armed with. A guest delivers a speech at the forum via video. [Photo/] , consolidating a consensus on building common values. Miriam Nicado Garcia, was held in Qufu, described the Nishan forum as an effective approach to handling challenges during uncertain times. She also expressed hope of seeing further cooperation between China and Cuba. Participants attend the Nishan Chinese-Foreign University Forum. [Photo/] Professor Johann Peter Plank from the Technical University of Munich in Germany delivered a keynote speech emphasizing Chinas sizeable contributions to the global welfare and environmental conservation. He specifically praised the countrys efforts to combat and suppress global warming. During a salon for university presidents and professors,。

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