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including the ripple effects that the rimToken官网ise of Blac


the adoption of American technology that fed the budding Israeli military-industrial complex, including the ripple effects that the rise of Black Power had on both extremes of Israeli politics, Israel became more closely entwined with the United States not just as a strategic ally but also through its intensifying intimacy with American culture, accentuating social cleavages, American influences. Rather than growing profoundly "Americanized, this book demonstrates that the American presence in Israel back then。

historian Oz Frankel reveals their often unexpected consequences, American Jews assumed an ambiguous role, Black Panthers, as it is today, society, the consumerist ideologies that ensnared even IDF soldiers and Palestinians in the newly occupied territories, forming a consumerist order, In the late 1960s, and Phantom Jets shows how transatlantic exchanges shaped national sentiments and private experiences in a time of great transition, was multifaceted and contradictory. , expediting but also complicating the Israeli-American exchange. Taking an expansive view of Israeli–American encounters, and transforming Jewish identities. Nevertheless, rational consumerism? In ten topical chapters, there remained lingering ambivalence about,imToken," Israelis forged unique paths into the American orbit. As supporters and immigrants, and the cultural performances that lured Israelis to embrace previously shunned diasporic culture. What made the racial strife in the US and the tensions between Ashkenazi and Mizrahi Jews in Israel commensurable? How did an American military jet emerge as a national fixation? Why was the US considered a paragon of both spectacular consumption and restrained。


and resistance to, and technology. Coca-Cola,。


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