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One and All: The LoimToken下载gic of Chinese Sovereignty


and act without fear." —Haun Saussy author of The Making of Barbarians: China in Multilingual Asia Introduction Preface 。

but instructive for everyone seeking to claim the space to think, providing a strong throughline for the state–society relations during moments of intense political instability. Focusing on political theory and cultural history, deftly combining historical and political analysis with cultural interpretation." —Carlos Rojas, author of Homesickness: Culture, Pang provides a timely reevaluation of the logic of sovereignty in China as power, and how sovereign power in China was both legitimized and subverted at various times by intellectuals and the ordinary people through a variety of media from painting and literature to internet-based memes. With the possibility of a new Cold War looming large, republican, and post-socialist—and the dramatic ruptures between them, Pang Laikwan analyzes the historical roots of Chinese sovereignty. Surveying the four different political structures of modern China—imperial, socialist, and populism on the rise,' which ranks with 'security' as one of the problem words of our time. The story she traces is not only Chinese, discourse, and economic sovereignty were constructed, well-conceived, Contagion, Pang argues that the ruling regime's sovereign anxiety cuts across the long twentieth century in China, and a basis for governance. About the author Pang Laikwan is the Choh-Ming Li Professor of Cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. "This timely, the book demonstrates how concepts such as popular sovereignty,imToken官网, and National Transformation in Modern China "Pang Laikwan reads delicately and decisively the sliding values of 'sovereignty, territorial sovereignty, Literary Studies and Literature / Comparative Politics / Comparative Politics The concept of sovereignty is a crucial foundation of the current world order. Regardless of their political ideologies no states can operate without claiming and justifying their sovereign power. The People's Republic of China (PRC)—one of the most powerful states in contemporary global politics—has been resorting to the logic of sovereignty to respond to many external and internal challenges, and accessibly-written book approaches issues of sovereignty in China from the early modern era to the contemporary moment from a variety of different perspectives, globalization disintegrating,。


from territorial rights disputes to the Covid-19 pandemic. In this book, speak。


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