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research, and has hosted/participated in a number of international cooperation projects. 。

Suzhou, and infrastructure)。


Irvine, and involves virtually every member of the college (administrators, etc., materials science and engineering in CEAS was listed as the national first-class discipline. After faculty recruitment and infrastructure expansion, staff and students). The college has established several new RD institutions and achievement transformation platforms in Nanjing, faculty, and Paris Tech, Shanghai and other places. It has also formed long-term partnerships with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, administration, the University of California, faculty recruiting/assessment, CEAS is poised for significant growth and a rise to a higher standard of excellence. The college won the first prize of the National Natural Science Award once and the second prize three times. It is also a nationwide exemplary college, where internationalization is being implemented in every facet (education,。


In 2017。


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