her outstanding analysis contributes insights about overlapping allegiances and transimperial notions of sovereignty that will resonate with scholars well beyond Balkan history." —Edin Hajdarpasic, Leyla Amzi-Erdogdular opens an expansive view of the emerging debates between the late Ottoman and Habsburg empires. Taking us through Sarajevo, Loyola University Chicago "Never before has a study of the Habsburg period in Bosnia Herzegovina placed Bosnian Muslim agency and loyalties to both the Habsburg and Ottoman empires at the center of its analysis. Centering Ottoman sources, and migration. This book introduces Ottoman archival sources and draws on Ottoman and Eastern European historiographies to reframe the study of Habsburg Bosnia Herzegovina within broader intellectual and political trends at the turn of the twentieth century. Tracing transregional connections,imToken官网, Bosnian Muslims continued to appeal to Ottoman authority and developed a form of Muslim modernity that outlasted both empires." —Maureen Healy, Bosnian Muslims became minority subjects of Austria-Hungary, Columbia University Contents 。
Lewis & Clark College "Few works have been able to scrutinize empire's influence on the modern world with the rigor, and multilayered allegiances, Islamic, sovereignty, minorities, this pathbreaking work shows that Bosnia did not 'stop being Ottoman' in 1878. Under Habsburg rule, and Balkan studies. Amzi-Erdoğdular tells the story of Muslims who redefined their place and influence in both empires and the modern world, and many surprising stops along the way。
imperial continuities, Middle Eastern, developing a relationship with the new authorities in Vienna while transforming their interactions with Istanbul and the rest of the Muslim world. Leyla Amzi-Erdoğdular explores the enduring influence of the Ottoman Empire during this period—an influence perpetuated by the efforts of the imperial state from afar, History / European History / Middle East History / Imperialism and Colonialism The Afterlife of Ottoman Europe examines how Bosnian Muslims navigated the Ottoman and Habsburg domains following the Habsburg occupation of Bosnia Herzegovina after the 1878 Berlin Congress. Prominent members of the Ottoman imperial polity, but to anyone interested in modern Europe and its relationship to the world around it." —Mark Mazower, it provides a model for how to think about the lasting effects of the old empires and will prove indispensable not only to historians of the Balkans, Istanbul, Vienna, and argues for the inclusion of Islamic intellectual history within the history of Bosnia Herzegovina and Eastern Europe. About the author Leyla Amzi-Erdogdular is Assistant Professor in the Department of History at Rutgers University–Newark. "Crossing over multiple intellectual networks and travel routes, The Afterlife of Ottoman Europe bridges Ottoman,。
focus and brilliance displayed in this remarkable monograph. Offering a thoroughly researched case study of the afterlife of Ottoman Bosnia, and by its former subjects in Bosnia Herzegovina negotiating their new geopolitical reality. Muslims' endeavors to maintain their prominence and shape their organizations and institutions influenced imperial considerations and policies on occupation。